If you need to cancel or postpone an appointment for any reason, please provide at least one working day’s notice, otherwise you will be charged a cancellation fee: $260 for initial & double consultations and $135 for subsequent consultations. If the appointment is missed with no notice, the fee is $390 for initial & double consultations and $195 for subsequent consultations. Medicare does not cover cancelled appointments.
Consultation Type | Fee | Medicare Rebate |
Initial Consultation 90-105 minutes | $1200.00 | 436.45 |
Subsequent consultation 75+ minutes | $655.00 | 209.55 |
Subsequent consultation 45+ minutes | $490.00 | 180.55 |
Subsequent consultation 30-45 minutes | $370.00 | $126.40 |
PhD, FRANZCP, MRCPsych, PGCertHealthSci, BM, BS, BMedSci (Hons)
For urgent assistance please call the Mental Health Hotline on 1800 011 511 or present to your local hospital emergency department.
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